How to improve the environmental risk assessment of companies?

Environmental Protection Department is looking for a innovative solution that could assess the level of environmental risk posed by companies.

- The Department annually compiles and updates the list of controlled economic entities, this list contains about 29 thousand companies. During the year, department officials perform about 5-6 thousand scheduled inspections, therefore a large proportion of companies who pose a risk to the environment remain uninspected.
- Currently, the list of controlled entities and their inspection plan is compiled in Excel spreadsheets. On their basis, an annual inspection plan of companies is drawn up. In this way, efforts are made to select and inspect companies that pose the greatest threat to the environment, but due to the human factor and inefficient work tools, the selection of companies that will be inspected could be improved.
- This problem affects public authorities, companies and society as a whole, as those who pose a potentially greater threat are not inspected and damage to nature is not prevented.
- The solution should automatically carry out an environmental risk assessment of companies, select the most dangerous entities and draw up an annual inspection plan.
- The solution must take into account the previous inspections carried out by the Department. It should draw up a list of inspections according to the areas of activity (e.g. waste incinerators, sewage treatment plants, chemical companies, etc.)
- The solution must automatically include newly created entities and exclude those that are no longer operational.
Additional information
Solution evaluation criteria
- Innovativeness and relevance of the solution (40% of the total score)
- Commercial potential and competitiveness of the solution (40% of the total score)
- Competences and motivation of the authors of the solution (20% of the total score)
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