GovTech News

Who are the Winners of GovTech Hackathon?

Image by Annie Spratt

It’s time for a throwback on what happened on April 16-18 – “GovTech Lab Lithuania” together with Lithuanian Business Angel Network “LitBAN” have organised a virtual GovTech Hackathon “Let’s Co-create Our Future Together”.

The mission of this hackathon was to co-create innovations that could ensure a quick recovery in the post-pandemic world, enable governments to become more efficient, more inclusive and better able to serve society. The event covered a wide range of topics such as Tech for Citizen Empowerment, Green and Sustainable Future, Tech-Empowered Education, Digital Welfare, Safety and Security, Smart Cities, and a Wild Card topic, for every idea that did not fit into previously mentioned topics.

All 15 teams that took part in the 48-hours-long hackathon showed a passion for developing solutions for a better future. However, judges picked only 4 teams with exceptional solutions, progress, pitches, and a high potential for near-future development. 

The first team GreenHeads distinguished the problem related to the lack of information about preparing waste for recycling. Part of our society is reluctant to seek information about the proper garbage sorting process. As a response to this problem, GreenHeads developed an original solution. The idea is to create a phone app that informs the user about the next recycling step after using a specific waste product. The application would not only serve as an educational platform due to the available informational lessons, but also as a measure to increase the volume of sorting. This team won a 1000 EUR cash prize from Laimonas Skibarka, Managing Partner at Sorainen, a spot in GovTech Co-create Accelerator and a fast-track to LitBAN Pitch Event upon completion of Strategy and Innovation consultations by Unit 370

The next team was Polltix – they saw a problem in communication between politicians and voters. Politicians currently don’t have sufficiently accessible tools to get their constituents’ opinions on the variety of topics they make decisions about. Polltix solution is a platform where politicians can poll voters via one-question polls. During the GovTech Hackathon, the team tackled the representativity problem of the polls, improved UX and set out a clear vision for growth. This team won a 1000 EUR cash prize from Vladas Lašas, Chairman of the Board at LitBAN, a spot in GovTech Co-create Accelerator and Strategy and Innovation consultations by Unit 370.

Meet the third team Misbearables! The problem that they tackled the low levels of financial literacy among pupils. Their solution offers to give students an exciting financial literacy learning tool by developing an interactive web application called “Candela”. It simulates the market by allowing young people to experience market possibilities safely. Misbearables won two-day Workation in Klaipėda by Klaipėda ID, a spot in GovTech Co-create Accelerator and Strategy and Innovation consultations by Unit 370. 

The last team Breeze Technologies put forward the problem of the lack of data on air quality. Data-driven decision-making remains unfeasible as sensing equipment is expensive. As well as that, stakeholders lack the necessary knowledge to analyse the data. They offered to develop cloud-enabled lower-cost air quality sensors together with a real-time analytics cloud platform. Breeze Technologies team won a fast-track to LitBAN Pitch Event. 

“Let’s Co-create Our Future Together” hackathon teams have dedicated their weekend to develop innovative solutions for a better tomorrow. If you have a burning desire to know more about these exceptional ideas, you can dive deeper into every solution by the before-mentioned teams on the event’s page!

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