GovTech Challenges

Development of an application for a public-private force management tool

The Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior is looking for a solution that would ensure direct communication between security services and the police (and other services), provide a visual awareness of the deployment of forces and the location of the incident, and ensure a quicker, more coordinated response.


  • At mass gatherings held in public places, the greatest risk to participants is from physical violence, terrorist acts or congestion due to crowd panic. Depending on the nature of the gathering, the police, the organiser of the event, the owner or operator of the premises and spaces shall be responsible for the safety of people at the gathering.
  • Very often, security measures are carried out jointly by public and private partners. Private partners employ security guards and volunteers to provide security. Security services are often not able to manage incidents alone, which require an immediate response here and now. When such incidents start, attempts are made to deploy on-site police officers and additional police forces are called in.
  • Unfortunately, communication with the police force is ineffective: the head of the security service force receives information from his/her own staff, then informs the representative of the on-site police force when a decision has been taken, who passes on the information and instructions to his/her own subordinate officers. Only then does real action take place. Otherwise, when additional police forces are called in, it takes even longer for them to arrive and get to the scene.


  • With direct communication between security services and the police (and other services), with a visual awareness of the deployment of forces and the location of the incident, the response would be much faster, more coordinated, and incidents would be neutralised at the outset. The response would then be less staff-intensive and the consequences would be much less severe. This requires the development of a tool, an application, to manage the forces of public and private partners working at mass gatherings.

Prizes for participants

Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners:

  • 1st prize – 7 600 EUR
  • 2nd prize – 6 600 EUR
  • 3rd prize – 5 600 EUR

Additional information

The deadline for receipt of projects or applications for participation is 20 September 2021 at 10:00.

For a detailed description of the challenge and the call for projects, see the Central Public Procurement System (CVP IS).

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