Visualisation of the existing situation in the northern part of Vilnius city and visualisation of the projected infrastructure and ecosystem

The Vilnius Plan is looking for a solution based on modern information technologies, modern data collection and processing methods and mapping. The data must describe the sources of the data and the data published in the electronic journal.

- Although Vilnius has one of the largest Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in the country, not all the data needed to make short- or long-term decisions is collected and analysed. Much of the data is spread across different companies in the city, treated in a non-standardised way or not collected at all.
- The current situation, where the data collected is not used for systematic planning or integrated with each other and decisions are partly based on hunches and sometimes even outdated data, is not acceptable. This leads to an increase in errors, inaccurate decisions leading to additional costs and inaccurate forecasts. For example, it is difficult to know how many and what kind of streets will be needed in 2027, or which and how many schools will be needed in new neighbourhoods.
- The infrastructure demand forecasting prototype requires the use of GovTech tools based on modern information technologies, modern data collection and processing methods and mapping. The data should describe the sources of the data and be published in an electronic journal.
- The forecast should be seen in the context of the past, the present and the future. A forecast model should be developed that can be used to understand the picture of the urban ecosystem in perpetuity.
Prizes for participants
Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners:
- 1st prize – 4 000 EUR
- 2nd prize – 3 000 EUR
- 3rd prize – 3 000 EUR
Additional information
The deadline for receipt of projects or applications for participation is 08.10.2021, 9:00.
For a detailed description of the challenge and the call for projects, please visit the Central Public Procurement System (CVP IS).