How to reduce deterioration of unpaved roads given natural conditions?

Anykščiai District Municipality is looking for a digital solution to reduce road damage caused by heavy vehicles travelling on the road when it is exposed to adverse weather conditions.

- Heavy vehicles on unpaved roads that are exposed to adverse weather conditions damage the road surface. Damaged roads make them difficult for residents, emergency services and other road users to use.
- The municipal administration has the possibility to restrict heavy vehicle traffic on local roads by linking road closures to specific calendar dates. Due to changing climatic conditions (freezing, sudden warming, heavy rainfall, etc.), the road maintenance mechanism of restricting road traffic to calendar dates is no longer effective.
- Currently, there is a lack of effective ways to communicate and inform road users about the current state of the road.
- The solution should monitor and predict road conditions based on expected weather conditions (synchronising data with hydrometeorological information). Integrate existing natural conditions monitoring data using developed algorithms and/or satellite image information/arcGIS.
- Display on the map information on the current state of the road (trees, potholes, road condition in relation to weather conditions, preferably surrounding logging) and send notifications to road users about the state of the road.
- The solution shall include the possibility to receive information from road users about the road condition and changes in the road condition (including text information and photos).
A detailed description of the functional and non-functional requirements of the solution is given in Annex 3 ‘Technical Specification’ to the tender conditions.
Prizes for participants
This challenge is being addressed through a design competition. The project competition is carried out to select the best idea for solving the problem and to award a service contract for the development of a pilot version of the solution. Prizes will be awarded to the authors of the best solution concepts. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third placed participants in the queue:
- 1st prize – 5 000 EUR (the prize is awarded upon conclusion of a service contract for the development of the solution)
- 2nd prize: 4 00 EUR
- 3rd prize: 2 000 EUR
The first prize winner will be awarded a service contract for the development of a pilot version. The contract shall be for a fixed amount of 42 000 EUR.
Additional information
Deadline for receipt of projects or applications: 21.09.2023, 10:00.
Proposals must be submitted by electronic means only, using CVP IS.
For a detailed description of the challenge and the call for projects, please refer to the Central Public Procurement System (CVP IS).