How to collect and process data on energy production and consumption?
Ignalina District Municipality is looking for a digital solution to collect, store and display data on the energy produced and consumed by the municipality’s institutions and enterprises
- Data on electricity and heat production and consumption are collected through an oral survey. There is no automated, accurate collection, transmission, aggregation, storage, representation, processing and accessibility of data on electricity and heat consumption and production.
- The problem is relevant for the municipal administration, the institutions and enterprises it manages and their departments, as well as for the municipalities.
- The solution should automatically collect data on electricity consumption, the amount of biofuel purchased and the energy produced from that amount, and the energy produced by renewable energy sources (solar panels).
- Data on energy production should be collected at least once a day and data on energy consumption at least once a month.
- The solution should include the possibility to analyse the data according to relevant data cross-sections.
A detailed description of the functional and non-functional requirements of the solution is given in Annex 3 ‘Technical Specification’ of the tender conditions.
Prizes for participants
Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners:
- 1st prize – 6 000 EUR (the prize is awarded after the conclusion of a solution development service contract)
- 2nd prize: 2 400 EUR
- 3rd prize: 2 200 EUR
The first prize winner will be awarded a service contract for the development of a pilot version. The contract shall be for a fixed amount of 35 041,32 EUR (excluding VAT).
Additional information
Deadline for receipt of projects or applications: 29/09/2023, 10:00.
Proposals must be submitted by electronic means only, using CVP IS.
For a detailed description of the challenge and the call for projects, please consult the Central Public Procurement System (CVP IS).